Partner Program
The easy way to launch a lifestyle medicine program and boost clinic earnings

Get a fractional virtual MD & RD
No cost - upside-only returns
Retain 30% of billings as profit
Drive meaningful patient outcomes
Turnkey Program

Your Clinic, Our Team

Our program is fully delivered by LifestyleRx practitioners and requires minimal work from partner clinics beyond recruitment of patients.
We provide experienced lifestyle medicine physicians (MDs) and dietitians (RDs), along with a proprietary software platform to organize and run virtual group medical visits, focused on improving patient health through lifestyle modification.
Easy to Begin

A New Profit Center

Collaborating with LifestyleRx can yield an additional $43,128 in profit per PCP per year.
Clinics can generate a profit of $898/patient with LifestyleRx, and patient recruitment often averages around 4 patients/PCP/month. For each primary care provider, this would work out to $43,128 of additional profit per year, based on 48 recruited patients.
There is no upfront cost – we only get paid when you get paid.
A LifestyleRx physician and dietitian are added to your provider panel and claims are billed through your contracts. You pay 70% of collections to LifestyleRx and retain 30% as profit. You do not incur any upfront costs – all labour and program costs are borne by LifestyleRx – and you only pay us when you are paid.
>50% patients in most primary care practices have an eligible condition.
Annual Profit
Annual Collections
Per Patient
See detailed breakdown
Evidence-based care

Clinical Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes

91% of patients see a degree of improvement, and 44% reach an A1c below 6.5% with an average reduction of 1.38% (n=653)
Every clinical practice guideline worldwide recommends lifestyle changes as the initial and ongoing approach to treating Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. Unfortunately, providing lifestyle counselling often doesn't fit into the practices of most primary care providers. Bringing this offering into your practice can significantly improve average glycemic control, and help some patients to reach diabetic remission through lifestyle changes.
Metabolic Health

Addressing Broader Challenges in Metabolic Health

LifestyleRx is launching a broader program to address metabolic health, beyond Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, which will include the following indications:
Excess Weight - BMI >30
Heart Disease
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Dementia Mild Cognitive Impairment
Fatty Liver
Metabolic Syndrome without elevated glucose-insulin resistance
How it works

Our Program Structure

Our program is 100% virtual. Patients can access sessions and materials from the comfort of their homes.

Virtual Physician Visits

There are usually 3-5 individual virtual visits with a physician through the course of the full yearlong program structure.

Virtual Group Sessions

In groups of 10-15, patients attend weekly virtual sessions with a physician. They start with an initial 12-week program, and then can graduate to ongoing groups.

Videos & Weekly Lessons

Between sessions, patients watch videos explaining core concepts, print out reference guides and cheatsheets, and complete ongoing learning exercises.
How often do you sleep 7-8 hours?
Every day
Most days
3-4 nights per week
Less than 3 nights per week


Sleep Score

Self-Assessments & Exercises

Patients answer questions and complete exercises to show them where they're doing well and where they need to focus.
Insulin Resistance
Pancreatic Function

Personal Health Reports

Our platform can generate detailed personal health reports for patients based on their lab results and questionnaire answers.

Start Working with LifestyleRx

Meet with our team
Ask questions and learn more.
Get a program proposal
Set an earnings target, create a roll-out schedule, and meet the physician & dietitan who would run your program.
Launch the program!
Start driving clinics returns and patient outcomes.